Volunteer Day

Volunteer Day: The report of the event

Saturday 2 December was held, at the community of the Somascan Fathers of Elmas, Volunteer Day.
The morning began with the presentation of the work and with an interesting in-depth analysis of the situation of volunteering in Sardinia. Numbers that are certainly not comforting since there are few Sardinians who dedicate their time to this free activity.

"When we put ourselves at the service of others to help them in their fragility, It is there that we also discover our inner frailties". These are the words of Father Carlo, Representative of the community of the Somascan Fathers, that best encapsulate the meaning of the Volunteer Day.
Work continued, coordinated by James Card -President of the Provincial ACLI of Cagliari-, with a presentation of the participants and with the testimonies of Elisabetta Corona of the non-profit organization Domus de luna, Andrea Pianu spokesperson for the Third Sector Forum, Former Civil Service Volunteers, the regional president of the ACLI Mauro Charter and the Regional Councillor Valter Piscedda.
The work resumed after lunch with the arrival of Blessed Iannelli, president of Ipsia Sardegna and vice president of the Acli of Cagliari, with a group comparison, focused on artificial intelligence and its interaction in society, concluding that the time is not yet ripe to replace interdependence with AI. James Card and the organizers Augusto Corda, Giorgio Marras and Marianna Laudi said they were satisfied with the active participation of all the volunteers who currently or in the past have served at the provincial ACLI of Cagliari.