Babysitting course

The second edition of the online babysitter course kicks off

As a result of the numerous requests received, proponiamo la seconda edizione del corso di formazione per babysitter finalizzato ad offrire un supporto alle persone in cerca di occupazione e, at the same time, rispondere ai bisogni dei genitori.

Il corso si svolgerà online attraverso la piattaforma Google Meet, with the contribution of local professionals (psychologists, paediatric nurses, nutritionists, lawyers). Distance lessons will be on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 15.30 all 17.30 for a total of 26 hours. To join, you need a PC with a webcam and microphone, or, failing, a tablet or smartphone. At the end of the training course, a certificate of participation will be issued and the students will be included in a list, held by the Acli, they will be able to draw on families who need these professionals but do not know who to turn to.

For more information on the lesson calendar, the program and how to sign up contact us by e-mail acliprovincialicagliari @

8 October 2020