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“Salut!”: because prevention is better than cure

After the excellent results achieved last year, Thanks to the co-financing of the municipality of Cagliari – Social welfare service, continues for the 2016, with funds 5*1000 national of Acli, "Salut!”- draft health promotion aimed at developing skills to support healthy lifestyle choices.

The goal is to inform and encourage individual responsibility of persons between 40 and the 60 years, on the correct behaviour to be taken to improve, even with small daily gestures, their livelihoods and health and, especially, reduce risk factors of chronic diseases of large epidemiological significance.

Each person is the protagonist and responsible for their health and their choices”- says project coordinator of Acli Benedetta of Cagliari Iannelli – "but thanks to health promotion and education projects, like Salut, You can inform people about how small daily gestures can help prevent health problems. Projects like Salut should be replicated throughout the region, in order to ensure a strong and decisive impact on population ".

The project operates in the belief that investing in prevention to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of individuals and society in General, promoting healthy lifestyles and acting in particular on the major risk factors for chronic diseases is a choice you can, on one side, help ensure people a healthy life and good health and , from ’ more, a way to prevent and reduce illness and, contextual cures, the costs of which have an important place in the health care system and in the regional budget.

Acli members may request an appointment with a General physician, an orthopedist, a Sports physician, a nutritionist and one psychologist whose main task will be to, our industry expertise, to analyse the health and living conditions and, based on the medical history, write a custom program, consider the risk factors, identify the parameters to be checked periodically and, especially, inform them about behaviours to follow on a daily basis to prevent and avoid illnesses and diseases caused by incorrect habits and lifestyles. The service is free.

Interested parties can make an appointment by emailing or calling address all ’ 070/43039.

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