
Informative seminar #Giovani: L we are Europe ’

Erasmus + for the period 2014-2020 has a budget of EUR 14,7 billion euro, the 40% more than in the previous programming. The 77,5% is intended for the education and training sector and the 10% youth sector.

Per informare i nostri giovani affinché possano cogliere le opportunità che l’Europa dedica loro, Blessed Iannelli, President of IPSIA Sardinia, voluntary association of ACLI system, promotes the informative seminar #Giovani:L we are Europe ’. The seminar, organized by the Provincial of Cagliari in collaboration with Acli IPSIA Sardinia, the youth of Acli of Cagliari and CREI Acli, will be held on 3 May 2016 at 18.00 in via Crispi n. 12 Cagliari.

The meeting, waiting for the Europe day of 9 May, aims to inform young people on mobility opportunities, training and work experience for the period 2014-2020, with a focus on Erasmus +, the European Voluntary Service (EVS) and Erasmus for entrepreneurs. After first informative, held by Otto Cannon (President Acli Cagliari), Blessed Iannelli (President IPSIA Sardinia) and Kate Cannon (Youth Coordinator of Acli), the representatives of some organizations and associations working on these programs, will talk about their experience and will present the projects planned for the coming months. Parakkal receipts have already arrived (National Coordination Office of the Eurodesk network), Katia Luciani (Genti de Mesu) and Michael Daniel (TDM 2000). The seminar #Giovani:L we are Europe ’, partly financed by the region of Sardinia – Department of education, Cultural Heritage, Information, Entertainment and sports through the funds of l. R. n. 3, art. 9, paragraph 9, Lett. is) of 7/08/2009 promoting international youth mobility projects, ’ promotion of interculturality and European citizenship; promoting youth exchanges, is free. This will be an opportunity for young people to have information about programs, to know the associations and bodies working in the field and to make operational proposals.

At the end of the meeting participants will be invited to stay for a drink, during which continue to interact and get to know one another. For more information contact the Secretariat by sending an e-mail to or by phoning 07043039.

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