seminario vivere bene

Tomorrow in Maracalagonis the third of the seminars of the FAP Acli project

Enhancing the well-being and quality of life of individuals in old age, stimulate dialogue between generations and promote healthy ageing, active and prosperous within society. Il terzo dei seminari tematici del progetto Living long, Living well: Health and wellness paths for Over 60" will be held tomorrow 7 October at 18 al Multipurpose center of socio-cultural aggregation of Maracalagonis.

The initiative is promoted by the FAP (Federation of Seniors and Pensioners) the Acli of Cagliari, in collaboration with the ACLI Provinciali di Cagliari and funded by the Foundation of Sardinia through the call for proposals “Public health, Preventive and rehabilitative medicine 2023”.

This series of events is designed to bring the activities of the project throughout the area of the Metropolitan City and involve the over 60 directly in the places they live in. At the meeting, organized on the territory in collaboration with the Active Ageing area, non-self-sufficiency, Disability and mental health of the Foundation Polisolidale, taking part, accanto a Francesco Pisano, secretary of FAP Acli Cagliari, James Card, Presidente delle Acli di Cagliari e Claudia Leone, Technical referent of the project, even: Francesca Fadda, Mayor of Maracalagonis; Martina Mulliri, Councillor for Social Policies of Maracalagonis; Simone Monni, presidente associazione Polisolidale; Carla Pusceddu, Coordinator of the aging area of the Polisolidale association; is Annamaria Littera referent Social Aggregation Centers.

To request more information you can send an email to the e-mail address or call 07043039.