New zero-rate businesses. Tuesday 6 July the information webinar on the Invitalia call

An important opportunity for those who want to take on the challenge of starting their own business initiative. An open call designed to support young people up to 35 years and women, that is, the sections of the population most affected by the phenomena of unemployment and precariousness, particularly in the difficult post-pandemic moment we're experiencing.

Tuesday 6 July at 16.30 lo sportello impresa delle Acli di Cagliari, in collaboration with the Create e con il finanziamento 5*1000 delle acli nazionali annualità 2019, organizes a Webinar free information on Google Meet, con l’obiettivo di supportare gli interessati e rispondere ai dubbi più frequenti sull’incentivo promosso dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico e dedicato a micro e piccole imprese composte in prevalenza o totalmente the young people between the ages of 18 and the 35 years oppure da women of all ages.

The notice, desk without rankings or deadline, finance companies with investment projects that aim to implement new initiatives or expand, diversify or transform existing activities in the manufacturing sectors, services, trade and tourism. Le agevolazioni prevedono un mix di finanziamento a zero rate e contributo a lost-end per progetti d’impresa con spese until 3 milioni of euro, che può coprire until 90% of the total eligible expenditure. Applications are examined on the order of arrival.

To participate, you can contact the organizational secretariat by calling the 07043039 or writing to the email acliprovincialicagliari@gmail.com