Tuvixeddu Tour Poster

Discovering Cagliari: a city, so many cultures. The first tour is at tuvixeddu necropolis

Acli Cagliari project on socialization and integration between different generations and cultures starts.

Culture as a means of interaction between different generations and customs. The project kicks off with a tour of the necropolis of Tuvixeddu Discovering Cagliari: a city, so many cultures promoted by Acli Cagliari in collaboration with Ipsia Sardegna, Create Acli, Amal Sardegna Morocco and Fap Acli Cagliari.

Next 30 June 17.30, meeting place at the entrance of Via Falzarego, a guided tour is planned to discover the largest burial area in the Phoenician-Punic world in the Mediterranean.

The tour is part of a project that includes eight meetings dedicated to socialization and integration between different generations and customs. The itinerary is divided into historical eras and traces the evolution of Cagliari, starting from the Punic and Roman period, continuing with the Byzantine period, the Giudicale, Pisan, Spanish, Piedmontese, finally ending with the Unity of Italy and the present day.

The project "Discovering Cagliari: a city, so many cultures”, organized by the volunteers of the Civil Service of the Acli and addressed to the entire, aims to show an unprecedented Cagliari, born and flourished thanks to the coexistence of many different cultures. The goal is to create a moment of sharing and meeting intergenerational, with the involvement of citizens over 60 and the younger ones, and activate a moment of comparison of cultures, through the direct participation of foreign citizens. The purpose of the activity, also in light of the effects of the pandemic on social habits and the limited opportunities for socialization of the last year, is to start again by putting the person and his cultural identity at the center, promoting integration between different cultures, ensuring healthier lifestyles and counteracting situations of loneliness and marginalisation.

The tour will take place in compliance with covid-19 safety and prevention regulations. To request tour information, you can send an email with your data to the organizational secretariat, at the e-mail address acliprovincialicagliari@gmail.com.



Cagliari, 16 June 2021