
Computer science: open enrolments for the digital literacy course


Will be held in Cagliari, at the headquarters of the Provincial Acli, the next lessons of the digital literacy course. A computer science course designed for those who want to approach the world of computers for the first time, especially over 60. The course will run for 20 hours, 10 lessons from 2 hours each that will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9.30 all 11.30.

After a first smattering about using your computer, creating files and folders, internet browsing and e-mail, will be done various hands-on tutorials on Libre Office, free program very similar to Microsoft Office.

At the end of the course will receive a certificate of participation to those who have attended at least 70% of the lessons. For information and registration contact the Secretariat at n. 070/43039 or by e-mail


Cagliari, 31 August 2020