
Fibromyalgia: a disease spread by uncertain causes. Sunday 10 March to Mandas Acli seminar

The meeting is scheduled from 16.30 It will be attended by doctors and scholars of matter. During the evening will receive a defibrillator to the community of Mandi. Moderated by the journalist Andrew Feltham.

A moment of insight into a widespread pathology, especially among women, but from causes still uncertain. Sunday 10 March, from 16.30, in the premises of the library ofEx Convento San Francesco a Mandi, the Acli of Mandas organizes a meeting on Fibromyalgia. The evening, During this time, he will receive a defibrillator to the community of Mandi, is organized as part of the activities planned for the week of "International women's day”.

Speakers include: Peter Gabriel, Medical Director of Rheumatology at the UNIVERSITY of Cagliari, Roberto Murgia, medical specialist in rheumatology at Kinesis, Gabriele Finco, Director of resuscitation and intensive care of the Cagliari HOSPITAL and President of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cagliari. Will introduce the works Giorgio Nasa, Director of the Graduate School of Hematology, University of Cagliari, u.s. Director or. the CTMO hospital Hematology and. Businco and others or. Cagliari's Brotzu.

The Mayor will also participate of Mandi, Rachel Parker, the regional President of Acli, Frank Maddocks, the provincial President of Acli, Mauro Charter, the Coordinator of the Department of Orthopedics and microsurgery of father or. Marino, Roberto Palmas, and President of AIL, Renzo Pili.

Chaired by meeting the journalist Andrew Feltham.


6 March 2019