
Spatial inequality. Tuesday 12 March the seminar.

Development of a cognitive framework of inequalities in national territory, with particular regard to Sardinia.

The 12 March will be held in the provincial headquarters of Acli of Cagliari a seminar on territorial inequalities, organized in collaboration with Ipsia Sardinia.

Main objective is to address the problem of inequalities between urban and rural areas to ensure that, in a medium-term perspective, the small towns that make up the inland areas can catch up in urban areas.

During the evening we will discuss the difficulties of access to three key services for citizenship: Bless you, school, mobility, by calculating the distance and the time that people employ to reach the poles of services. A questo si aggiungerà la capacità di accesso alla digital network.

This seminar will then develop the debate around the development policies adopted so far, identifying the possible causes of these problems and proposing new approaches on the part of the different actors, institutional and not, to promote new intervention and development processes.

The appointment is for hours 17.30 by Tuesday, 12 March nella sede Acli Viale Marconi 4 Cagliari. The entrance is free but membership required which can be done by writing to or number 07043039

28 February 2019