Van acli

The distribution of blankets and warm clothing to those in need

Temperatures down: Frost arrives in Sardinia. Starting from this afternoon, through the project "We recycle ", our bus will move into the area of Cagliari and in the municipalities of the hinterland to deploy thermal blankets and warm clothing to homeless and needy.

Some comfort and a real help for those who spend their days outdoors, exposed to frost coming. By this afternoon the van Acli will move in the metropolitan area of the capital and in the municipalities of the hinterland to deploy thermal blankets and warm clothing to homeless.

The volunteers will support most sensitive points so as to reach as many people as possible and deliver apparel, shoes and blankets collected or purchased through the project "We live recycling”. The initiative, born in 2015 combines a passion for tailoring to solidarity and environmental protection through original and creative recovery of used clothes and accessories which are then distributed, as in this case, for people in need.

"Helping people in need is one of the priorities of Acli-says the provincial President Mauro Charter –. Again this year, as we did in the past, through the distribution of clothes and blankets will try to offer some comfort to so-called invisible, to those people that live on the streets and where even a small gesture like this can make a huge difference ".

3 January 2019