geopolitics course

At the start the 18 may the course of geopolitics and international relations

ACLI provincial Cagliari, in collaboration with Ipsia Sardinia and Crei Acli, offer the course of geopolitics, aimed at addressing issues related to the situation in the Middle East and Syria; Africa; Palestine; America and the Balkans. During the course we will analyze the major geopolitical issues through tools and methodologies that draw on different disciplines and professional fields with ’ aim of offering participants new insights of ’ current international context.

The teaching staff consists of professors, researchers, journalists and professionals in possession not only of a proven competence but also the ability to transmit data and concepts effectively to an audience of "non-experts". The course in geopolitics and international relations, It was born with the aim to make accessible to all complex subjects, whose depth is made even more difficult by the lack of attention that the Italian media reserve their.

Five modules that will be held on Thursday afternoon at the provincial headquarters in Viale Marconi, 4 Cagliari.


For more information and to register:; 07043039

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