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Legal immigration sector operator course

Specialist training for those who work or want to work in the field of volunteering and dell’Immigration covering the role of & #8217; legal operator.

The operator suit alleges asylum seekers and refugees in security and integration paths, supporting them during the whole process of the application for international protection and enjoyment of rights linked to the status granted. To be a good legal operator does not have to be lawyers or have a degree in law. It is essential to a good knowledge of the legislation and a good relational skills.

During the 10 hours of trail you will aim in particular of the legal status of foreigners, Italian hospitality system, the legislation on statelessness and the #8217; #8217 & &; acquisition of Italian citizenship, Assisted voluntary return and discipline of rules on international protection.

Classes will be held on Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 16 all 18 at the headquarters of Quartu Sant Elena & #8217; Acli in Via Diaz 106 starting from 31 October.

For more information and registration contact number 07043039 or mail acliprovincialicagliari@gmail.com

6 September 2018