Sardinian Summer School

International Cooperation: in Cagliari members across Europe for the Summer School

There is time until 17 settembre per iscriversi alla Summer School sulla cooperazione internazionale che si terrà all’Hostel Marina. Room and Board are paid by Ipsia, for those coming from outside Sardinia refund of 50% the cost of flight. All activities will be in English.

European design, international cooperation, interculture. From 30 September al 7 October, young people from across Europe will arrive in Cagliari for the second edition of International Cooperation Summer School organized by Ipsia Sardinia, ACLI of Cagliari and the Young people of Acli for children between 18 and the 30 years.

The project is partly financed by the Foundation of Sardinia and provides six intense days information/training seminars, expert testimony, Workshop, laboratori di gruppo intervallati da visite, excursions and intercultural evenings.

All activities, Food and accommodation are borne by Ipsia Sardinia, We will pay only 50% the cost of the flight arriving from outside Sardinia. The operations centre will be theHostel Marina of Cagliari (ladders San Sepolcro).

For further information please contact Ipsia, by phone at 070/43039 or through the Facebook page Europe ACLI.

You can submit an application – within the 17 September – directly (compilando il form, specifying your personal data and attaching a valid id’identity and CV) or by one of the territorial Circles ACLI. Each group can make more than 3 nominations.

Participation is free but, for insurance reasons, the Acli card is required (the cost of 10 Euro).

Download the task Board And the poster

Photo Gallery Edition 2016:

11 September 2018