Escape Room

Take part in the Escape room about the European elections

Saturday 11 May Cagliari, in Via Roma 173, the Youth of the ACLI of Cagliari organize an Escape room dedicated to Europe, funded by Erasmus+ funds.

The aim is to provide a non-formal learning experience about the European Union for young people among the 16 and the 30 years, in the run-up to the European elections in 2024.

The Games, The working groups and workshops will all focus on the structure and functioning of the EU, on its resources and opportunities, in order to increase participants' sense of European citizenship.

The day, which will start at 9:30 and will end around 16:30, it's totally free, But places are limited. To participate, it is necessary to register by filling out the appropriate form.

For more information, please contact the secretariat at number 07043039 or mail

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