Self-help groups for separated parents

Eight meetings to discuss and regain balance

Il Punto Famiglia delle Acli di Cagliari organizza dei gruppi di auto mutuo aiuto per genitori separati.
The event of separation is not painless for anyone, the opportunity to confront each other, Exchanging information and solutions can be of great help to the parent and consequently to the children. During the meetings, in addition to people who share the same experience, A family mediator will be present as a facilitator.

La frequenza prevista è di two meetings per month for a total of eight. Each meeting will last one hour and 30 minutes and will be held in the evening, After Hours 18, at the Acli headquarters in Cagliari in Viale Marconi n. 4.
To participate, you can contact the secretariat by phone at 07043039 o all’indirizzo di posta elettronica