Music Beyond Barriers

Music Beyond the Barriers. The music therapy workshop for people with visual impairments is underway

Music as a tool for inclusion and therapy. The Provincial Acli of Cagliari promote the first edition of a series of meetings of Music therapy dedicated to adults (among the 40 And 60 years) visually impaired.

"This is our organization's first experience in this field, but which is part of the daily commitment of the ACLI in the field of inclusion of those living with disabilities – explains the President of the Provincial ACLI James Card –. This particular initiative is It was created as part of the volunteer project of the universal civil service "Oggi Insieme" which has among its objectives the promotion of active participation and social inclusion of people with disabilities in all areas of daily life, supporting the paths of autonomy and orienting with respect to the services in the area".

There will be four appointments of two hours each, designed to accompany participants into the world of sounds, dedicated to those who are curious, To those who think they're out of tune, to those who believe they don't know how to play or even to those who can play and sing, Because music belongs to everyone and for everyone. The course is supervised by a certified music therapist, Pianist and Counselor Stefania Battarino.

Meetings will be held on 30 November, the 7, the 14 and the 21 December, from 17:30 all 19:30 in the Music Therapy studio in Vico Conte di Biancamano 5 in Pirri. The deadline for entries is set for 23 November. Interested parties can contact the organizing secretariat by telephone at 07043039 or by e-mail