Project for over 60: Tomorrow in Sinnai the seminar on nutrition and physical activity

Nutrizione e attività fisica sono i due pilastri principali di un invecchiamento all’insegna della salute e della massima qualità della vita possibile.

Ed è proprio di queste due tematiche che si parlerà nel corso del seminario La nutrizione che allunga la vita e l’attività fisica preventiva per un invecchiamento sano e attivo organizzato venerdì 20 ottobre a partire dalle 17.30 nella sede della Fondazione Polisolidale di Sinnai (viale delle Libertà, 141) within the scope of the project Living long, Living well: Health and wellness paths for Over 60”.

Questo progetto è promosso dalla FAP (Federation of Seniors and Pensioners) the Acli of Cagliari, in collaboration with the ACLI Provinciali di Cagliari, and funded by the Foundation of Sardinia through the call for proposals “Public health, Preventive and rehabilitative medicine 2023”.

At the meeting, organizzato sul territorio in collaborazione con l’associazione Polisolidale, taking part, accanto a Francesco Pisano, secretary of FAP Acli Cagliari, James Card, Presidente delle Acli di Cagliari e Claudia Leone, Technical referent of the project, even: Carla Pusceddu, Coordinator of the aging area of the Polisolidale association; Anna Maria Littera referent Social Aggregation Centers, Emanuela Casula, nutrizionista e Leonardo Taccori, dottore in Scienze Motorie.

The Project

Il progetto prevede una serie di seminari su tutto il territorio dell’area Metropolitana di Cagliari, Therefore, numerous actions dedicated to the over60s will be organized, from gastronomic laboratories, Creative, up to activities in contact with nature, walks and excursions aimed at promoting keeping fit through physical exercise, open to all, and designed to stimulate intergenerational exchange at the same time.

This initiative is fully in line with the objectives of the activity of our association, For this reason it is important for us to expand the pool of participants as much as possible and involve all those who can benefit from the project – explains the secretary of the FAP Acli of Cagliari Francesco Pisano –. Durante gli incontri raccoglieremo le domande di partecipazione per le altre attività che seguiranno da qui a fine anno”.

Afterwards the practical activities will start and will be carried out thanks to a team of experts, psychologists with experience in the field of promoting active ageing, Third sector operators engaged in the world of over care 60 and by the volunteers of the National Civil Service, with the aim of helping to educate to healthy lifestyles, behaviors and habits that improve the aging process, increase opportunities for socialization and exchange between peers and with younger generations, enhance life skills and life long learning even in old age and analyze the effects of various interventions on psychological well-being and mental health.

All the activities included in the project are free of charge. To request more information you can send an email to the e-mail address acliprovincialicagliari @ or call 07043039.