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“Add a seat at the table”. Thursday the awareness meeting on foster care and adoption

In Sardinia, Foster care is still a protection measure that is not widespread. Children removed from their families end up in residential communities and, Although family reception is the best answer for a minor outside the family, This right cannot be guaranteed, both for a lack of adequate policies and for the lack of available families.

for that, Next Thursday 22 June at 18, in the premises of the provincial ACLI of Viale Marconi 4, Ai.Bi. (Amici dei Bambini) and ACLI, organize the awareness-raising meeting Add a Seat at the Table, with the aim of informing welcoming families and all citizens on the main aspects of Foster Care and Adoption.

«Amici dei Bambini wants to promote family care as a right for children without a family," he says Alexander Thompson, responsible Ai.Bi. Friends of Children Sardinia –. To do this it is necessary that Associations, Services and institutions work in the same direction, networking. For the Metropolitan City of Cagliari, the collaboration Between Ai.Bi., ACLI and the Widespread Center for families of the PLUS area Quartu -Parteolla, wants to respond to this need, guarantee families an integrated system of accompaniment on the territory».

It is necessary, support the event partners, relaunching foster care, but also Adoption, National and International, And to do this we need to promote knowledge initiatives, Why adoption is not an easy step, but it needs prepared families who must be accompanied in order to be aware of the characteristics of the children and their own resources.

Program of the day:


Mauro Charter President of ACLI Sardinia Region

James Card Provincial President ACLI Cagliari

Alexander Thompson – Head of Friends of Children Sardinia


Silvia Caredda – Ai.Bi.- Family foster care between myth and reality
Marcella Griva – Ai.Bi. The challenges of hospitality: national and international adoption
Cristina Concu and Valentina Frau – The Widespread Center for the Family

Conclusions and greetings