2^ tappa Tour al femminile

The 27 April second appointment of the Women's Tour

The Acli of Cagliari in collaboration with Ipsia Sardegna, ACLI women's coordination – regional and provincial, FAP Acli Cagliari, Create Acli, Amal Sardegna Marocco vi invitano ad un nuovo appuntamento con il Tour al femminile.

The initiative, organized as part of the Universal Civil Service project “No to gender-based violence”, wants to involve the community and accompany it in significant places in the territories where the ACLI circles operate, with the aim of enhancing the female figures linked to them.

The second stop of the tour will be in Cagliari on 27 April at 16. We will start from the Bastion of Santa Croce and with a visit to the Elephant Tower, continuing to the Bastion of Santa Caterina, reaching the museum complex of Sant'Eulalia in the Marina district.
The initiative, reserved for people in possession of the ACLI card 2023, is free. Possible costs, at the expense of the participants, are due to the purchase of the ticket for access to some monuments. It is necessary to book by 20 April.

For info and reservations: acliprovincialicagliari@gmail.com; 070/43039