Civil service – Information meeting

Civil Service: orientation meeting on 18 January in Cagliari

We have a Dream. Leaving a Trace.

Environment, Assistance to the less fortunate and the elderly, integration, Fight against early school leaving, social and cultural promotion. Tutti i sedici progetti delle ACLI provinciali di Cagliari per il Universal Civil Service 2022-23 per il territorio di Cagliari e del Sud Sardegna saranno presentati il prossimo Wednesday 18 January starting from hours 18 at the headquarters of Viale Marconi 4 a Cagliari. Per chi non riuscisse a partecipare, the meeting will also be broadcast live on Facebook on the page Acli Provinciali Cagliari.

A disposizione dei giovani tra i 18 and the 29 years of age ci sono ben 41 places.
During this first evening of orientation, which will be followed by a series of other meetings on the territory, The opportunities put in place will be illustrated and the methods to submit the application for participation will be explained.

Each project has a duration of 12 months, provides for a service schedule of 25 hours and a cheque for 444,30 monthly euros. E’ possibile presentare la domanda di partecipazione exclusively attraverso il portale within hours 14 the next 10 February.

For more information you can write an email to

Read the news on the call