a home for Afghan families

A home for Afghan families.

Accommodation for the reception of Afghan refugees in Cagliari.

Their lives were turned upside down in a few days. The advent of the Taliban regime pushed them to leave everything in a few hours. Some have already reached our country, others will arrive soon. To be ready to give hospitality and help Afghan refugees in this moment of great fragility, the ACLI of Cagliari together with Amal Sardinia-Morocco, and in collaboration with IPSIA Sardinia, Fap Cagliari, CREATE ACLI, Young people of the Acli of Cagliari, Acli Terra Cagliari and coordination Women of the Acli of Cagliari, are looking for availability of accommodation in the area of Cagliari and Pirri.

"They are mainly women and children who want to leave behind a terrible experience and forget. We have to make them feel at home – he explains Fatima Kouchrad president of the association Amal –. This is why we rely on, as we have done so many times in the past, at the heart of Cagliari: we need to find people willing to make available, with regular rental contract, a house. In this particular circumstance, given their particular vulnerability given by the events they have experienced, welcoming these people immediately in a family environment and in a city context can be the key to the success of their integration process in our society".

As a priority, we are looking for apartments with three rooms, living room with kitchenette and at least one bathroom. Those who are willing to make their apartment available can send an email to puntofamiglia@aclicagliari.it Indicating: name and surname, mobile phone number, the number of rooms. The secretariat of the ACLI will promptly get in touch with the interested parties to define the details.

For more information you can contact the 07043039.