Tour of Byzantine Cagliari

Tour in Byzantine Cagliari. Third meeting Discovering Cagliari: a city many cultures

Socialization and integration between different generations and cultures.

In search of the traces left by the Byzantines in the city of Cagliari. The project "Discovering Cagliari: a city, so many cultures”, born from the collaboration between the ACLI provinciali di Cagliari, Ipsia Sardinia, Amal Sardinia Morocco, Create Acli is Fap Acli Cagliari, continues with its third stage to discover the Byzantine and Judicial Karalis that still emerges in the streets of our modern city.

The appointment is for Wednesday 29 September all hours 10 in San Cosimo Square, where there is a guided tour of the Basilica of San Saturnino, and then continue with the Castle of San Michele. The tour is free and will take place in compliance with the safety and prevention rules against Covid-19. The only cost to be paid by the participants will be the ticket for access to the Castle of San Michele (4 €).

The project "Discovering Cagliari: a city, so many cultures" includes a total of eight meetings dedicated to socialization and integration between generations and different customs, through the discovery of culture as a means of interaction and integration. The itinerary is divided into historical periods and traces the evolution of the city of Cagliari, starting from the Punic and Roman periods, then continuing with the Byzantine and Judicial period, the Pisano one, Spanish, Piedmontese, finally ending with the Unity of Italy and the present day.

The goal is to create a moment of sharing and meeting between citizens over 60 and groups of foreigners present on the territory. The purpose of the activity is not only to integrate the latter more into our reality, but also to protect the weakest sections of the population, ensuring healthier lifestyles and counteracting situations of loneliness.

To request information on the tour of Byzantine and Judicial Cagliari, you can send an email with your data to the organizational secretariat, at the e-mail address or call 07043039. The activity is reserved for Acli members.