Family Day

International Family Day

today 15 May is International Family Day.

In the current health emergency situation that we are experiencing, the family represents both a safe reference point, a place of comfort and support for the weakest and most defenceless people, but also the place where forced coexistence has brought out elements of crisis. Let's think about issues like intrafamily violence, the difficulty of people with disabilities and children to understand the reason for the sudden limitations and dissatisfaction of adolescents who have seen their lives so disrupted that they have serious consequences for their psychological and behavioural balance.

In the #8217 year, families have been put to the test privately at the #8217 of those key support services such as school, social welfare services, sports facilities” afferma Francesco Micillo – componente della Presidenza Provinciale delle Acli di Cagliari con delega alla famiglia – “Economic and work difficulties have made the balance even more fragile and it is necessary to, today more than ever, che le Istituzioni aiutino le famiglie a conciliare il tema del lavoro con quello educativo e a protect the family unit”.