ACLISalute counter

From 15 ACLISalute

AcliHealthFrom next 15 July The ACLI of Cagliari will activate the direct assistance counter for families and citizens aimed at countering the long waiting lists of health.

The Door ACLIHealth aims to protect citizens' rights to have health care in the legal time. The legislation, indeed, urgent benefits are provided 72 non-urgent hours and hours are delivered within 30 days in case of a visit and within 60 days in case of instrumental diagnostics. ACLISalute helps citizens who have been given higher waiting times and not justified to get health care at the right time through statutory procedures.
The door, located in Via Roma 173 Cagliari (second floor), will be open in the morning on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.30 all 12.

"Waiting lists are a problem, – says the president of the Acli of Cagliari – Mauro Charter – there are still too many people who see themselves staring at 6 months and beyond a medical examination. The health service must ensure that services are provided in the vicinity of the residence and in times no longer than 30 or 60 days. We want to help citizens get this service".

For more information call the number 3517032849 or write an e-mail to:

10 July 2020