École d’été

Recherche de partenaires. Projet “Université d’été de coopération internationale”

We are looking for partners for the next edition of the “École d’été internationale” project. Cagliari, 2-8 October 2020.

Europe consistently provides young people with opportunities for growth and development, but the lack of information, the lack of communication or simply the reluctance to carry out targeted researches, very often create distance between them and Europe.
In order to make the new generations aware of multiculturalism and to approach young people to Europe, which is often seen as a reality far from the problems and interests of those who live there, the participants will be involved in workshops on the knowledge of the culture and traditions of the participantscountries of origin and of the area in which the project will take place; workshops on Europe and the mobility of young people and immigrants, EU policies, Euro-planning and international cooperation for development; talks of the protagonists (associations, political representatives etc.) directly involved in the field of cooperation.

Project title: Université d’été de coopération internationale

Project duration: 2-8 october 2020

Place: Cagliari, Italy

Project holder: IPSIA SARDEGNA

Partners involved: EU Program Countries

Participants: 4 participants + 1 group leader from each partner

Working language: English

👉 Partners profilenon-profit organizations from EU Programme Countries working with young people and able to send 5 participants (4 participants + 1 group leader, gendered balanced group) that will fit the profile bellow.

👉 Participant profileyoung people aged between 18-30 (except group leaders) open-minded with good communication skills.

👉 Conditions Accommodation and meals will be financed 100% through the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Program. Travel costs will be reimbursed according to the Erasmus+ rules (Youth exchanges).

👉 Procedure to apply All NGOs who wish to be part of this initiative are welcome to apply by filling in the Partner Identification Form (PIF) with the OID number and sending it to ipsia.sardegna@gmail.com . If you are willing to join the youth exchange, please send us your PIF and we will send the mandate in order to be signed by your legal representative.

Deadline for sending the PIF by e-mail is the 30th of January 2020


Cagliari 21 Janvier 2020