
Looking for partners for the project “C as in Citizen”

The “C as in Citizen” project has as its main objective the education and awareness of young people participating in the values ​​of legality, justice and civic sense, in order to allow them to become increasingly active and aware citizens, strengthen their sense of belonging to one’s own community and being promoters of values ​​such as: justice, law, ethics, civic sense.

The exchange, divided into seminars, debates, workshops, will enable moments of discussion on the phenomenon of legality, justice and civic sense of the partner countries involved, always ensuring an active participation and full involvement of all.
During the seminars the following topics will be addressed: legality; mafia and forms of organized crime; the human side of the migrant story; gender-based violence and the phenomenon of femicide; the methods of reuse of assets confiscated from the mafia; self-defense, the civic sense.

The exchange involves the participation of representatives of important local associations, such as: Osservatorio per la giustizia, Farmacia politica, Street lawyer, Libera, AMAL – Sardegna Marocco, Donna Ceteris and local institutions: Court, University, Municipality of Cagliari, Sardinia Region.

Project duration: 2-8 october 2020

Place: Cagliari, Italy

Project holder: ACLI provincial Cagliari

Partners involved: EU Program Countries

Participants: 4 participants + 1 group leader from each partner

Working language: English

👉 Partners profile – non-profit organizations from EU Programme Countries working with young people and able to send 5 participants (4 participants + 1 group leader, gendered balanced group) that will fit the profile bellow.

👉 Participant profile – young people aged between 18-30 (except group leaders) open-minded with good communication skills.

👉 Conditions Accommodation and meals will be financed 100% through the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Program. Travel costs will be reimbursed according to the Erasmus+ rules (Youth exchanges).

👉 Procedure to apply All NGOs who wish to be part of this initiative are welcome to apply by filling in the Partner Identification Form (PIF) with the OID number and sending it to . If you are willing to join the youth exchange, please send us your PIF and we will send the mandate in order to be signed by your legal representative.

Deadline for sending the PIF by e-mail is the 30th of January 2020.


Cagliari 21 January 2020