The Hill

Days with the boys of the Hill

They will be held on 24 October and 14 November in the "The Hill" community of Serdiana the two days of sharing dedicated to children among the 18 and the 30 years.

After the legality camp, initiatives to educate young people to active and conscious citizenship continue. In collaboration with F4cr network And with theObservatory for Justice, thanks to the efforts of Civil Service volunteers, the ACLI provinciali di Cagliari arrange for the 24 October and the 14 November two days at the Community The Hill for boys aged among the 18 and the 30 years.

No seminar or conference, but a number of outdoor farming activities. Two days of real sharing in the Community "The Hill" by Serdiana, designed to spend time with guests of Don Ettore Cannavera, know their stories and their journey of reintegration into society.

"There are no seminars but activities, agricultural type, in the open air at the park surrounding the community, the two volunteers explain.. E, in the evening, all together will prepare the usual Thursday social dinner in which the Community opens its doors to civil society. The idea is to allow participants to spend time with boys in atonement, both in order to make a contribution to their effective social reintegration, both to learn about their stories and understand their life path".


17 October 2019