#I welcome

#I welcome. The children of IPSIA Sardinia join the national campaign

As part of the National Global Citizenship Education Project “Young New Narrators and Actors of Development Cooperation“, promoted by 29 Italian civil society organisations 69 provinces of all Italian regions, even IPSIA Sardinia is Cagliari.

The project, funded by the Italian Development Cooperation Agency(#8217;AICS, at the end of the active citizenship workshops, youth's membership in the national campaign #I welcome.

Young participants, who come from Italy, Moldova, Romania, Albania, Nigeria, Bolivia, Mexico, Argentina, in order to draw public attention to the issue of integration and international solidarity, organize an event where musical and theatrical performances, send a message of welcome and inclusion. The goal? Fight, so, indifference.

"We are living in an age of great socio-cultural contradictions, where inclusion and multiculturalism are not seen as a resource, but as a problem – explains Blessed Iannelli President of IPSIA Sardinia. The 3 October was the day of remembrance and hospitality and as a Voluntary Association the 16 October we will be in the Square to support the many young people who have followed our workshops and all those who will join us, to promote the principles of the Constitution, equal rights for all and solidarity , to say no to policies based on hate and fear"

The event will be held in Yenne Square in Cagliari on 16 October at 18.00.



9 October 2019