
Bullying and cyberbullying. Training 2.0

A free psychological and legal pathway for parents of children/victims of bullying/cyberbullying aged between 9 and the 12 years. The activities take place within the acli Family Point.

Bullying and cyberbullying, two phenomena that the press has been busy with in recent years, noting their drama between preteens and teens.
Based on Reports 2015 Istat has emerged, with reference to bullying, as in Italy beyond 50% 11/17 year olds have suffered some offensive episodes, disrespectful or violent by other boys or girls in the 12 previous months; the 19, 8 % is assiduous victim, while only the 9, 1 % acts are put in place on a weekly basis.
As for cyberbullying among teens who using internet/mobiles only the 5, 9 % complainofing that they have repeatedly been harassed by using SMS, e-mail, CHAT and social networks. It was found that the highest percentage of cyberbullying victims are girls with data equal to 7, 1 % Against 4, 6 % of the boys.
By focusing on the Sardinian region, it can be said that, based on Istat data 2014, boys and girls among 11/ 17 years the 12,4 % aggressive behavior once or more times a month, the 36, 8 % sometimes a year and the 50,86 % Never.
Although the data that have emerged are not alarming, it is still necessary to clarify these issues, providing knowledge tools to frame the, although in a general way, any issues that might be set up for parents of bullied and cyberbullying sons and daughters.

The goal of the journey is to increase the internal and external resources to parents, helping them deal with critical family events related to the topic.

The recipients of the journey are parents of children who are victims of bullying/cyberbullying aged between 9 and the 12 years, age group that includes the delicate transition from primary to secondary school.

The route is structured 6 meetings made by Nicoletta Serra, Psychologist Psychologist and Federica Balconi, Dr. In Law. Each meeting will last for 1 hour and 30.

1. migliorata conoscenza dell’argomento affrontato
2. migliorata conoscenza di sé e dei propri vissuti
3. migliorata conoscenza degli aspetti legali
4. migliorati strumenti di gestione di situazioni problematiche inerenti la tematica trattata

Gli incontri si terranno il martedì pomeriggio dalle 18.30 all 20 nella sede Acli Viale Marconi 4 Cagliari. La data di inizio sarà stabilita una volta completato il gruppo dei partecipanti.

Il percorso è gratuito ma per ragioni assicurative è richiesta la tessera Acli. For more information and registration contact the Secretariat at no. 07043039 or mail acliprovincialicagliari@gmail.com

10 September 2019