Sardinian Summer School

Registrations until 20 September for the Sardinian Summer School Ipsia: young people from all over Europe in Cagliari to talk about Cooperation

Third edition of the Sardinian Summer School: cagliari young people from all over Europe to discuss cooperation.

There is time until 20 September to enroll in the free Summer School on international cooperation to be held at the Hostel Marina from the 12 al 17 October next. Room and Board are paid by Ipsia, for those coming from outside Sardinia refund of 50% the cost of flight.
All activities will be in English.

Thirty boys, from all over Europe, they will meet in Cagliari not only to talk about European design and to delve into the theme of international cooperation, but also to visit and get to know the city, discuss their differences and what they have in common together.
They are open until 20 next September, registrations for the third edition of the Sardinian Summer School for young people 18 and the 30 organized by Ipsia Sardinia in collaboration with Acli of Cagliari and co-financed by the Sardinian Foundation.
"The invitation to young Sardinians," explains Ipsia President Benedetta Iannelli, "is not to miss the opportunity to participate, not only to know their peers coming from the rest of Europe, but also to take part in group activities, seminars and workshops held by experts in the areas of European cooperation and design..
It will be intense days explain by the organization, that the kids will spend at the Hostel Marina (ladders San Sepolcro, Cagliari). "Iam and lodging will be borne by Ipsia," continues Iannelli, "who will cover, thanks to the contribution of the Sardinian Foundation, also the 50% travel expenses of those arriving from overseas. As it is a project involving young people from European and non-European countries, The official language of the works will be l’English, knowledge is therefore essential for participation.". Activities will take place from 12 al 17 October, arrival l’11 and departure on 18 for those who come from outside Sardinia.

For information you can contact Ipsia at e-mail For registrations, simply fill in the nomination form specifying your personal data and attaching a valid id’identity and CV. Participation is free but, for insurance reasons, the Acli card is required.



2 September 2019