SOS child

“Adoptive parenting and creative” – Struggling parents!

Saturday 25 May Sos Child IA Onlus – home to Cagliari – organize educational Conference “Parenting adoptive and creative” – What a struggle to do parents.

The day will be divided into two parts: in the morning, from 10 at 13, will be held in Viale Marconi 4 in Cagliari pre training-adoption “Approach the child that comes from afar” dedicated to all couples on hold or when evaluating foster Sardinia; the afternoon, instead, from 17 at 19, There will be a Educational Conference at the media in the Mediterranean in Via Mameli 164B in Cagliari, addressed to all parents.

The meetings, free, are open to all. To subscribe send an email to or call 0444570309.

6 May 2019