foreigners in alien land

Aliens in alien land. Youth and community

Thursday 18 last October ended the second part of the project "aliens in alien land. Young people and the community ", promoted by ACLI national and by the youth of ACLI, made possible thanks to funds made available by the national youth agency with the notice "what do you want to do as a young man? Your future now ".

The project has involved about 20 Teen in a training course aimed at providing skills and tools to counter collaboratively various forms of youth problems found in its territory. The training was held in the national headquarters of ACLI in Rome under the guidance of Dr. Daniel Fapiano who led the boys in & #8217; using the “Collaborative Territories Toolkit”, a "Toolbox" open source based on models and best practices in the field of collaborative economics. Afterwards the boys competed in territorial trial about a month during which they arranged several meetings to enable a participatory planning process between citizenship, public administration, enterprises, residents and all local actors proactive, using the tools made available to the project and identifying the challenges perceived locally with a focus specific youth problems.

The territorial representative of ACLI provincials of Cagliari was Luca Papi, National civil service volunteer, It held two meetings in the area of Cagliari and explained the basics of & #8217; collaborative economy acting as a facilitator during brainstorming. The first meeting was held during the’International Summer School and involved some of the young participants, from Italy, Albania and Portugal. Divided into two groups, the guys discussed about the causes and effects of unemployment and of how collaborative economy could impact positively on #8217 &; this issue cuts across many Territories. The second meeting was organized in the provincial headquarters and involved some volunteers from the SCN, Some members ACLI interested as private citizens because they are already active on the topic, two representatives of the Association TDM2000 (Association engaged in youth exchange programmes and non-formal education), a representative of the Group Melqart (informal group of young people active in the territory) and blessed Iannelli, Councillor of the municipality of Cagliari. During the meeting the various participants have learned #8217; and the method of work and opened a discussion focused on the challenges practicable with dell #8217; #8217; l & collaborative economy using localized in the territory of & Cagliari and dell & #8217; hinterland. Spatial experimentation was presented in Rome in the days of 17 is 18 October and will be analysed for any future projects focused on youth problems.

We can be satisfied, "says Kate Cannon , National Youth Coordinator of Acli, "nineteen young people aged 18 to 30 years, gathered in an innovative training program, promoting talent and individual creativity, aimed at encouraging the inclusion of young people in situations of social difficulty. The main aim of this project was to combat the phenomenon of youth distress and at the same time to train young people, co-design and innovative methodologies to achieve it. Our young people have been offered the opportunity to enrich their wealth of cross-skills to be valued in the provinces from which they come by actively involving young people who live some form of youthful discomfort and the actors who are they work every day to counter it. It was nice to see a group of young people from different parts of Italy (16 the territories involved) experimenting and confronting a shared working method. What we hope is that this is a starting point for young people, so that the skills they have acquired can help them not to make them feel "foreign" but active players in their own territory. By pursuing this path, children will have the opportunity to develop also very interesting business projects strengthening and expanding the network they have started to build with local authorities and associations, during the project. Concrete and above all lasting solutions to discomfort".


29 October 2018