modellato artistico

Patterned artistic Freehand course. Theme: the Sardinian woman

Al via il corso di modellato artistico che guiderà i partecipanti alla realizzazione di un’opera di circa 15 cm d ’ height representing a Sardinian woman. The processing step involves creating and assembling the base or support, the preparation of the dough, the elaboration of the work and the final decorations with acrylic paints and finishes with glossy paint.

The course is aimed at students of the previous cold ceramic courses organized by the Acli of Cagliari which will work according to the technical, but it can be frequented even by beginners, eager to discover their manual skills. L ’ teacher will monitor each student individually, proposing, where necessary, un percorso specifico per ciascuno.

The course represents, also, for the young unemployed, the opportunity to undertake a path of learning a profession in the field of artistic craftsmanship, sector that in Italy has more than a million companies, equal to approximately 30% of the national total, and requires staff with a medium to high level of specialization.

Classes will be held on Monday afternoon from 16 all 19 Viale Marconi, 4 in Cagliari for a total of 18 hours. The start date is set for Monday 2 October.

For more information and to register, contact the Secretariat at no. 07043039 or by e-mail

1 June 2017