
Second Edition of computer course for adults

Will begin the 24 March 2017 the second edition of the course “A B C dell ’ computer science” best suited for adults.
The Acli provincials of Cagliari and the Acli of Quartu together in this ’ initiative aimed at limiting the huge gap between the new and old generations through the teaching of the basics for computer use, necessary to access and use the new services that the third millennium offers via the network.
At the end of the course participants will be able to write and print text, use e-mail, navigare su internet, communicate through the most popular social networks and access to digital services provided by public administrations.

Classes will be held on Monday and Friday morning from 9.30 all 11.30 at the headquarters of Acli Via Diaz 106 in Quartu s. Elena. For information and registration contact us at n. 070/43039 or by e-mail