
Discovering Romania: the 16 February Seminar in Cagliari. Analysis of business opportunities and training

Will take place on Thursday, 16 February, with beginning at 19, the seminar focused on Romania, intended for those who want to work and study in this country or just get to know him and see him. The meeting will be introduced by the President of Acli of Cagliari Mauro Charter that will then give the floor to dott.ssa Charlotte Lane, European project officer, that exposes to present his work experience in Romania.

During the evening you will make a brief reference to the geographical framework, the country's social and political, We will continue with a focus on European Union (the eurozone and the Schengen area), you will analyze the investment patterns of Italians in Romania, to deepen the topics that most interest the young: search for a job, the possibilities for study (Faculty of medicine and other great Universities) and, Finally, the tourism sector.

The seminar is free but registration is required.

For more information please contact the organising secretariat of Acli provincials of Cagliari, Viale Marconi 4. Tel: 07043039; E-mail