domestic workers

Domestic workers in Sardinia: 2571 occupied in addition in 2015

For some years the Acli provincials of Cagliari are analyzing and monitoring the situation of domestic workers in Sardinia, with the ’ goal of promote cultural and legal adaptation to the changes taking place in society.

New and consistent social transformations are changing gradually the care needs of families, making it now necessary to a renewal of the entire regional and national welfare system. These changes affect the employment front; expands, indeed, the range of skills required for domestic workers, in view of the increasingly specific tasks that they are asked to perform within families.

Sardinia, According to figures released by the Inps concerning the 2015, absorbs most of domestic workers in the entire country, whose presence touches a percentage equal to 16,4%. In the three years 2013-2015, domestic workers of Italian nationality working in the island are increasing – from 32.558 a 35.129, While I'm falling foreign ones – from 10.415 a 9.612.

In 2015, on the island, the total number of domestic workers – both Italian and foreign – has reached 44.741, with a clear majority of females (92,20%) than males (7,80%).

According To Otto Cannon, Provincial President of Acli of Cagliari "sOno well-known the deep social transformations are placing requests in terms of new welfare system in providing services to families and consequently the impact on workers in the industry, they went via taking different and mostly ancillary functions. In fact, Despite the loss of purchasing power of households – concludes Charter – private care work remains essential answer to the loss of autonomy of so many people ".

Summary of domestic workers 2015