
Registration now open for the CILS certification exams – level A1/A2

The Acli Provincials of Cagliari are collecting signatures to certification exams of Italian as a foreign language (CILS) – levels A1/A2 integration in Italy – awarded by the University for foreigners of Siena.

The exam will be held at the headquarters in Via Roma Acli 173 (Cagliari). To subscribe there is time until 20 June 2016.

CILS certification exams are an important goal for all those studying the Italian language. In each level are evaluated every language skill (listen, reading, the production and interaction written and the production and oral interaction and the ability to think about the use of the language). The certification is to be spent, among other things, to obtain a residence permit.

We invite interested parties to contact the Secretariat at no. 07043039 or send an e-mail to acliprovincialicagliari@gmail.com