
“Migration of Knowledge”. A project to learn how to understand and communicate with each other

Every day, especially in recent times, We hear constant attacks to ’ More. Another who often do not know and which we do not know the story. For this we need who migrate and make us reflect on the concept of conflict and the importance of dialogue as a solution to the conflict dynamics.

From these reflections was born the project"Migration of Knowledge”, started by October 2015 and funded by the Foundation with the South. The idea was born from the encounter of Acli Provincials of Cagliari and ProMeSa (Promotion of the Mediterranean and Sardinia), partnerships with relevant experience in the field of social inclusion projects and involvement of young people, and the school Liceo Scientifico Michelangelo di Cagliari.

The school is the place in which young people become adults. The place where students have the opportunity to express themselves and establish important relationships. If you want to convey the message of dialogue as an instrument of conflict prevention and resolution, We had to start from here” , says project coordinator Blessed Iannelli (ACLI Provinciali di Cagliari).

In particular, the project is divided into two main activities that are developed in parallel. The first is the granting of a scholarship to a high school student Michelangelo, Kimmy, for a fourth year of high school in the village of Arezzo to Rondine Cittadella della Pace. The young, He was able to follow the national curriculum and, at the same time, participate in activities aimed at empowering and sharing the message of peace and dialogue, learning in a multicultural context in which young people from countries in conflict live and carry out their daily activities.

The second involves both information and training times, at the same time, they see involved the young student, classmates and schoolmates, both promotion and communication activities of the project.

At the end of the project, that will end this October, meetings are scheduled for dissemination in order to share the achievements and create an impact in the territory.

Are currently being carried out non-formal education activities sessions involving students of class 4 A high school Michelangelo and that, in the future will see also involved other classmates. Through workshops and training sessions focusing on peace topics, conflict, diversity and legality, the teachers encourage students to question, reflect and discuss "dialogue".

The project can be followed in the blog: http://www.esperienzeconilsud.it/migrazionediconoscenza/ or the Facebook page "migration of knowledge".