project planning

Course europlanning

ACLI Cagliari, IPSIA ACLI Sardegna and Youth of the Province of Cagliari promote the course of basic training “Europrogettazione: what new opportunities?” to be held 11 and 12 December 2015. The course is open to all people interested in learning about the opportunities of the new programming 2014-2020 and who they want to try their hand in the design of the European.

The course 12 hours is over two days and will cover the following: Analysis of the new programming, basic techniques of European projects (PCM), analysis of calls, management, monitoring and evaluation of the project. The course will be held, ACLI at the headquarters in Via Roma 173 Cagliari, Friday 11 December pm 16 at 20.00 and Saturday 12 December pm 09.00 at 13.00 and by 14.00 all 18:00.

Program: Modulo 1: The programming 2014-2020 and the Structural Funds. The programming documents. Modulo 2: Design. The participatory methodology. Techniques and tools for the design (PCM). Modulo 3: The call from A to Z: The Partnership. Finding information about programs, Research of the notice and screening, reading and analysis of the call. Lexicon and interpretation. Verification matrix. Modulo 4: Management, monitoring and evaluation: Focus on the construction of the project budget.

Entries must be made no later than the 10 December 2015. It releases certificate of participation.

For more information, please contact the secretariat at number 07043039 or write to