
Still places available for the course of Certification Exam Preparation CILS

Registration open to being prepared to’esame CILS (Certification of Italian as a foreign language) issued by the University of Foreigners of Siena.

CILS certification exams are an important target for all those who study the Italian language. In each level are evaluated every language skill (listen, reading, the production and interaction written and the production and oral interaction and the ability to think about the use of the language). The certificate is redeemable for entering the world of work, for teaching, for enrollment at Italian universities and for each additional area of ​​use it is required a certain level of proficiency in Italian certificate formally, including in the achievement of the residency permit.

The course, of 30 hours, will focus on exam practice; The classes will be held in Via Roma, 173 Cagliari every Monday and Wednesday from 15 all 18. The registrations will expire on 11 december 2015, on that date will be submitted to members an initial test to assess the level of knowledge.

Course participants will be able to support the’ certification exam at the headquarters ACLI.

For more information and to register contact the secretariat at number 070/43039 or by e-mail