Young, work and self-promotion: seminar by the ACLI provincial Cagliari

Young, work and self-promotion: seminar by the ACLI provincial Cagliari

The 30 June 2015 at 18.30, at the headquarters of ACLI Viale Marconi 4 Cagliari, will be held on seminar "Young, work and self-promotion ". The seminar aims to help participants to be assertive, build a good image of themselves and overcome social inhibitions. In life, indeed, It is important to develop awareness of its value, propose and propose, knowing how to communicate effectively. Each behavior is communication, It is therefore necessary to be masters of themselves to get the best results possible in their personal lives both in finding a job.

Speakers Include Nicholas Melons, psychologist and Otto Cannon, President of Acli of Cagliari.

The event is free but registration is required. For more information, We invite interested parties to contact the Secretariat (; 07043039)

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