Still places available for the intensive French course

Still places available for the intensive French course

Ancora posti disponibili per il corso intensivo di francese A2/B1 che inizia venerdì 19 June.

In 20 hours, with a tutor, you will have the opportunity to brush up on your knowledge, listening and speaking in French.

Exciting opportunity for those who intend to study or work experience abroad and for anyone who wants to resume the tongue before a pleasure trip.

Classes will be held every Monday and Friday from 9.00 at 11.30 at the headquarters of Acli Provincials in Viale Marconi n. 4 Cagliari.

A certificate of attendance will be issued to those who follow a minimum of 70% of the lessons (14 hours).

For information and registration, interested parties may contact the Secretariat at ’ e-mail address