The age of the adolescent:between dreams, fears, difficulties and resources

ACLI provincial Cagliari, in collaboration with Circolo “Common Good”, within the project “Family Space: Assistance, Orientation and Work, promote the thematic seminar entitled “The age of the adolescent: between dreams, fears, difficulties and resources”, to be held in Assemini Friday 29 May 2015 at 18:00 at the headquarters of the Club "Commonweal", Via Parini n° 12/B.

Adolescence is the stage in which occurs the transition from child to the adult, When the young defines its identity. It is a time of great physical and psychological changes which is accompanied in many boys to feelings of anxiety, fear and inadequacy, often lived and faced in solitude.

The seminar will aim to deepen what changes, the difficulties and the risks you'll encounter but also resources and protective factors that can facilitate growth. At the end of the seminar participants will acquire the necessary knowledge in order to understand and learn to manage strategically the most critical moments of this important phase of life.

The seminar is open to everyone and free for members ACLI. For those not registered will be able to provide before the workshop and registration is required. At the end of the activities will receive a certificate of participation.

For more information and registration please contact the organizing Secretariat: tel. 07043039

12 May 2015

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