L ’ u.s.. ACLI of Cagliari organizes a seminar “Yoga for health”

"Yoga of health" is the title of a theoretical seminar- pratico di yoga che sarà tenuto presso ASD Erika Sport Club, Via Molise n. 9 Cagliari, the 16 is 17 May 2015 dalla Dott.ssa Roberta Fiscaletti, su iniziativa dell’US Acli Cagliari.

The seminar aims at l ’ introduction to the concepts and basic techniques of yoga for the awareness of their usefulness from the psychological point of view, mettendo in evidenza gli aspetti pratici per il miglioramento della salute. The development of the consciousness of the body takes place through simple postures that are mandated to stimulate muscles and joints. Breathing stimulates the energy plan and discover how automatic respiration, that the ’ human being usually used in his daily life, sia molto lontana dalla respirazione profonda dello yoga.

The conscience of the mental plane is achieved through concentration and relaxation techniques more and more articulate. All techniques will be developed using a phased approach that will allow the body to adapt without stress to a new quality of life.

È possibile iscriversi o chiedere informazioni sulle modalità di partecipazione, telefonando al numero 070/7549959 o scrivendo una mail all’indirizzo usaclicagliari@gmail.com.