English conversation: accessions to the English conversation group-basic level

A new initiative of the Provincial Acli of Cagliari: the conversation group in English.

By participating in the chat room, Unlike what happens in a classic course, students can put into practice their knowledge of the language chatting to others in the room.

In particular, There will be exercised, guided by the teacher, plan a vacation, book a hotel, order at the restaurant, attend an interview and so on.

The group will meet twice a week at the headquarters Acli of Cagliari, Viale Marconi 4, for a total of 20 hours.

Days and times:

– on Tuesdays from 20 all 21;

– Fridays from 19 all 20.

The start date will be determined once the number of participants. For more information, We invite interested parties to contact the Secretariat at no. 07043039 or send an e-mail to acliprovincialicagliari@gmail.com

29 January 2015

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