Decimomannu: sled in January the departure form cocktail Bartending course of Acli

Le Acli provinciali di Cagliari informano che il corso rivolto agli aspiranti barman, il cui inizio era previsto per il prossimo 19 December, slitterà a gennaio. Le iscrizioni, then, are still open, e lo resteranno fino al 12 January 2015.

La nuova data di inizio dei corsi è prevista per il 19 January 2015, subscribers will receive an e-mail confirmation.

Classes will be held every day, until 23 January, from 9 at 13 in Via San Giacomo 2 Decimomannu.

During the course – lasting 20 hours – will be described the shape of the new international Cookbook I.B. Bearman and to. (International bartenders association). The participants, also, They may be exercised with the basic techniques for the preparation of cocktails.

For more information contact the secretariat at number 07043039 o inviare una e-mail a acliprovincialicagliari@gmail.corm

11 December 2014

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