The 3 october will begin the new edition of the communication and journalism laboratory organized by the Acli

Aperte le iscrizioni alla nuova edizione del laboratorio di comunicazione e giornalismo organizzato dalle Acli di Cagliari. Interested parties can register within Thursday 2 October.

The workshop will start on 3 October, will run for 15 ore e si svolgerà ogni venerdì sera presso la sede delle Acli provinciali in Viale Marconi, 4 Cagliari – first floor.

L’iniziativa è rivolta a coloro che vogliono acquisire i principi e le tecniche della comunicazione e del’’informazione efficace, interactive and creative. The topics covered will include theoretical and practical aspects of communication and writing techniques in various media.

Target: provide young people with basic communication skills enabling them to carry out professional activities in public organisations, corporate and third sector as press officers and public communicators.

Participants will acquire fundamental knowledge in the various fields of communication and information sciences, deepening the new techniques of communication and social relationship (social networks, web). At the end of the course the young people will be able to select and process the information and transform it into a finished product; they will also be able to handle the transformations in the world of communication and media in recent years in terms of content, of languages and modes of delivery and transfer of information.

Al termine del corso verrà rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione (the certificate does not give right to the registration of journalists).

Per le iscrizioni e per il calendario completo delle lezioni rivolgersi alla segreteria organizzativa:


tel. 07043039

24 September 2014

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