calligraphy course

L & #8217; ancient art of beautiful writing: new edition of calligraphy class

All fans of beautiful writing may participate in the calligraphy workshop that includes the study of ancient writing techniques (black ink-smoking & pens), the art of tying and binding, cursive English, round writing, the Gothic script and dating systems and seal (rubber stamp wax).

To prevent manual skills in writing and drawing is lost in this age increasingly touch and will provide both an initial electronic-digital historic-theoretical framing of writing both practical exercises with various techniques and tools. In particular, the novelty of this edition is based in tying tutorial #8217; & booklets (including the cover) by marbled paper. In addition, saw l & #8217; approach of Parties, course will create personalized greeting cards.

Classes will be held on Friday afternoon from hours 16 at 17.30, for a total of 21 hours, provincial headquarters Cagliari Viale Marconi n. 4. The start date is set for 7 December 2018.

For more information and to register: 07043039;

2 November 2018