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Bee Day at Patronato Acli

We're coming to the activation of the new measures of "pension flexibility" introduced by the last budget bill: Social Bee, Voluntary quota and pensions ape 41 for workers "precocious". These opportunities that complement existing and operational in harsh work benefits to, free woman and cumulation option. Are all possible solutions to retire earlier than the Mountains-Reform Fornero 2012. Measures that we waited so long and you make a little wait.

After having lost, the implementing decrees are coming out. Where are we?

Mauro Charter (President of Acli Cagliari): "The only decree in way out seems to be that of Social Bee. Much longer times are intended for Voluntary Bee, the Decree has yet to pass the examination of the State Council. No news leaks out on the measure, which must give effect to the so-called "early" 41 "for workers ' share. The certification procedures of law could prove lengthy and laborious. Maybe he underestimated the complexity of the new discipline and all operating obligations that this entails. That being said, We demand operational timeliness ".

The Minister Poletti said that "regardless of the date on which the application for the social bee, the provision of the benefit is backdated to the 1 may ". This is enough to reassure concerned citizens?

Mauro Charter (President of Acli Cagliari):The words of the Minister are clear, are respondents to one of the comments of the Council of State. In other words, You cannot charge citizens delays attributable exclusively to public administration. The law introduces the bee Social benefit from 1° may 2017, and who at that date has matured the conditions must be able to use immediately, Apart from the time they will be able to ask the question. We believe the revision of the decree that instead linked the effect of performance on the date of the request, so no change would have lost the arrears ".

We make clarity on the Social Bee, What do i need to ask the question and what are the first deadlines?

Regina Masala (Director Patronato Acli Cagliari): “ The bee is an allowance from the State, reserved for certain categories of workers who are in special conditions, and that they hold certain seniority contributory. With the Social Bee there is no loan or reduction on future pension and banks and insurance companies are not involved. To obtain the social illavoratore Bee must have at least 63 years of age, be in possession of 30 or 36 contribution years depending on the category and belong to one of the following reasons:

  • Unemployed without unemployment benefits for at least three months;
  • worker who, for at least six months, attend the spouse or first-degree relative living withhandicap in a situation of gravity;
  • worker with a civil disability equal to or greater than 74%;
  • employee who for the past six years has been continuously engaged in particularly "difficult and risky".

The application should be presentataall ' Inps within the 30 June 2017. It is possible that,in order to rectify the exit delay of the Decree,the term slip to 15 or to 31 July 2017. This is a proper and due.

The Decree on volunteer Bee seems to meet bigger problems. Because? Many people think might be a favor to banks or, instead, It can be an opportunity to carefully consider?

Regina Masala (Director Patronato Acli Cagliari) “We would have preferred different pension flexibility solutions. Real early retirement regulations, e non prestiti bancari o inviti a spendere anticipatamente e impropriamente il proprio capitale di previdenza complementare.

Comunque i tassi appaiono vantaggiosi e in situazioni di difficoltà accedere ad APe Volontario potrebbe costituire un’alternativa ad uno stato di assenza di risorse. Una soluzione ponte per accompagnare economicamente il cittadino fino alla pensione di vecchiaia, anche se poi quest’ultima sarà gravata da una trattenuta per la restituzione del prestito ottenuto. In addition, con una misura parziale, abbinata ad una riduzione dell’orario di lavoro, l’APe Volontario potrebbe costituire una forma graduale diaccompagnamento del lavoratore verso il pensionamento.

Finally,l’APe aziendale:a measure that could serve as a tool to use to turn over business proposals for subsidized early exodus.

Are estimations and projections that deserve attention and a personalized retirement planning. There are many things to consider before deciding what course to take. "

Outgoing flexibility means being able to retire before, In addition to the bee there are other possible solutions?

Regina Masala (Director Patronato Acli Cagliari)” The budget bill 2017, In addition to the bee, introduced: early retirement for workers; reductions in the discipline of work wear; the expansion of the possibilities of using free cumulation of insurance periods.

Early workers, with at least 12 months of contribution from actual work before the nineteenth year of age, è data la possibilità, qualora rientrino in determinate categorie disagiate, di accedere alla pensione anticipata con un requisito contributivo di 41 years.

Sui lavori usuranti si è intervento con modifiche sulla disciplina in vigore, introducendo migliori condizioni di accesso al pensionamento anticipato.

Novità anche sul cumulo gratuito per agevolare l’accesso al pensionamento anticipato ailavoratori con contribuzione in più gestioni previdenziali: from 1 January 2017 il cumulo può esserechiesto anche al fine di perfezionare il requisito alla pensione anticipata, comprese le Casse di previdenza dei Liberi Professionisti.

APe Day Patronato Acli, una giornata nazionale di informazione sulle misure di flessibilità per andare in pensione prima, cosa direte al cittadino?

Mauro Charter (President of Acli Cagliari): Spiegheremo che le soluzioni pensionistiche previste dalla legge sono molteplici e in molti casi offrono varie possibilità di scelta, anche senza costi. Noi del Patronato Acli siamo al loro fianco per assisterli e consigliarli al meglio nella individuazione delle diverse ipotesie di quelle che, secondo valutazioni di opportunità e priorità, si possono rivelarele più rispondenti aspecifiche esigenze.Ciascun lavoratore necessita di una consulenza previdenziale personalizzata. Tutte le carriere lavorative sono diverse e rappresentano situazioni complesse, ma l’aspetto positivo è che esistono molteplici opportunità.

L’APe Day in Sardegna venerdì 19 maggio rappresenta il primo passo, un’occasione per il cittadino di conoscere le attuali opportunità per andare in pensione prima. Obviously from the Ape ".

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16 May 2017